Motor Assisted Pedal Rickshaw (MAPRA )

Motor Assisted Pedal Rickshaw (MAPRA)

Our data from discussions with rickshaw pullers in many cities revealed that with a small battery driven motor attached to the improved rickshaw, it may be possible for the puller to go uphill with ease. Besides easing his burden, he can pull the rickshaw to a greater distance thereby increasing his income.

Consequently the modified IMPRA was converted into a motor assisted pedal rickshaw (MAPRA). A patent has been filed on it.

NARI can offer complete technology of MAPRA to interested entrepreuners

Attributes of MAPRA:
- The rickshaw can take two passengers on a 10% hill at a speed of 8-10 km/hr. On level roads it goes at 14-16 kms/hr.
- It goes 40-45 km per charge. The batteries are charged overnight by a stand alone charger.
- Weight of rickshaw is 129 kgs including batteries.
- The cost of MAPRA is presently Rs. 35,000/-. However on mass production it is envisaged to be Rs. 25,000/- .

MAPRA details