Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)




Renewable Energy
Renewable EnergyPresent activities are in sustainable transport, lighting , environment pollution abatement, handicapped rickshaw, etc.
Improved kerosine lanterns Improved kerosine lanterns
Only 50% of rural population in India has electricity for lighting. Efficient multifuel lanterns can ...

Biomass Gasifier Biomass Gasifier
Large amount of agricultural residues like sugarcane leaves, Bajra residues, wheat residues, etc. are ...

Ethanol from 'MADHURA' sweet sorghum Ethanol from 'MADHURA' sweet sorghum
A solar powered ethanol distillation plant was set up in the Institute campus. It was capable of distilling ...

Solar detoxification of distillery waste Solar detoxification of distillery waste
Distillery waste which is black in color, very abnoxious smell wise and has high chemical oxygen demand(COD) ...

Improved Pedal Rickshaw (IMPRA) Improved Pedal Rickshaw (IMPRA)
NARI has designed an extremely efficient pedal rickshaw called IMPRA.

Motor assisted pedal rickshaw (MAPRA ) and Electric bicycle Motor assisted pedal rickshaw (MAPRA ) and Electric bicycle
Our data from discussions with rickshaw pullers in many cities revealed that with a small battery driven ...

Electric rickshaw ( ELECSHA) Electric rickshaw ( ELECSHA)
In major cities of India there are petrol and diesel powered three wheelers called autorickshaws. They ...

MANHARA (Motor assisted NARI handicapped ricksha) MANHARA (Motor assisted NARI handicapped ricksha)
Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) has developed a very low priced motorized vehicle for ...

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Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
Phaltan-Lonand Road, Tambmal, P.O.Box 44, Phaltan - 415523, Maharashtra, India
Tel: 91-2166-22396 Fax: 91-2166-21328
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